daily ration Software with Data Exchange
HYBRIMIN® Futter X was launched in 2022. This new daily ration software is available in all existing languages and has its own complete database that can be used anywhere in the world.
What is the meaning of the name FutterX?
The German term for “feed” is “Futter”. The X stands for eXtended, or for the number 10 (Latin) or for the next step…
HYBRIMIN® Futter 5 was the 5th version of the feed advice programs under MS Windows since the year 2000.
HYBRIMIN® Futter X is the next evolutionary step in the daily ration program. It is a best-off (i.e. a selection of the best elements) from all feed calculation programs that HYBRIMIN® has created over the last 43 years!
Which livestock can be handled?
HYBRIMIN® Futter X can handle all species worldwide which are used in animal nutrition. This means all farm animals and all pet food animals too.
What data is included in the HYBRIMIN® FutterX feed formulation software?
Basic data like ingredients, units, formulas, raw materials, and samples for daily rations and mixes are based on the German requirement standards.
The database can be customized to meet any individual needs, e. g. requirements or calculation systems from other countries, e.g. NRC.
How data exchange works in HYBRIMIN® Futter X?
HYBRIMIN® Futter X has been designed so that many users can work together. This means that users can exchange data within a company or with other companies.
In HYBRIMIN® Futter X data replication is a fundamental element. There are server-based repositories (data warehouse) that collect data of any user and can be shared with others. The data replication is done by push and pull mechanism like used in standard mobile applications.
However, it is also possible to work independently.
What are roles in HYBRIMIN® Futter X?
The data in HYBRIMIN® Futter X is structured hierarchically. The users are given so-called roles, i.e. areas for which they are responsible. A role can, for example, be a consultant for cows or a consultant for pigs. In this way, consultants only ever have access to the data they need.
Data hierarchy in HYBRIMIN® Futter X
In HYBRIMIN® Futter X the hierarchical data is organized in:
- addresses of farmers
- farmers’ raw materials (own or copied raw materials like concentrates and minerals of the company)
- recipes (daily rations or mixtures) which are calculated by hand or optimized using linear optimization
The number of data is unlimited.
Nutrients used in HYBRIMIN® Futter X
The following groups of nutrients are available as standard:
- Weender Analysis
- Quantity Elements
- Trace Elements
- Vitamins
- Digestive quotient Amino Acids
- Amino Acids
- Enzymes
- Digestible
- Energy Calculation
- Material Flow Balance
- Dyes and Additives
- Fatty Acids
- Organic Acids
- Key Figures
- Cell Wall Components
- Milk Yield Formulas (in case you work with cows)
- Organic (Bio parameters)
- Growth Parameter
- Nutrient Relationships
- Balance Quantity Elements
All groups can be entered and calculated in original substance or on a dry substance basis.
Which raw materials are included?
There are basically four different groups of raw materials:
- Commonly used raw materials in a feed calculation
- Company raw materials (raw materials that a feed manufacturer wants to sell)
- Raw materials from the farmer (raw materials that are grown on the farm and for which an analysis is available if possible)
- Raw materials that come from other consultants or feed manufacturers and can be shared
Each address (farmer) can have its own list of all of these types of raw materials for calculation.
What price lists or daily prices are available?
Every user of HYBRIMIN® Futter X can have any number of price lists.
Each price list can contain its own currency. Conversion between currencies is possible.
In recipes it is possible to work with or without prices. However, if you want to work with linear optimization, then normally the daily price is always the goal of optimization, taking into account the requirements of animal nutrition.
How are recipes created in HYBRIMIN® Futter X?
A recipe can be either a daily ration or a mixture.
Normally one create a daily ration bt selecting all raw materials from a list. The user manually selects the desired quantities of the raw materials and checks whether the calculated nutritional values correspond to the desired or necessary requirements.
In the case of a mixture of 100%, the desired raw materials are first selected from a list. Then, with the help of the so-called linear optimization, the required proportions of the raw materials are automatically calculated. In the last step, the quantities are rounded to the customary sizes in production.
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